General Needs Fulfillment Program


Providing Life-Changing Emergency Financial Assistance 

General Needs Fulfillment Program

Service gaps in Athens, Greece for refugees do not just occur in the housing realm. It can be extremely hard for refugees to gain access to health care. Even with health care, we met many people who did not have the financial capacity to pay for life-saving medication. Additionally, we’ve met families who, although had a roof over their heads, could not afford food. Our General Needs Fulfillment Program serves these individuals with cash assistance for essentials like medication, food, or even lawyer fees that go towards asylum procedures.

How It Works 

A Person Applies for General Needs Assistance

We receive receive General Needs applications via our Whatsapp number or a person can apply through this form.

Intake is conducted with an applicant

We conduct a needs assessment and interview with the applicant to see if they qualify for our services. We prioritize applicants based on their vulnerability and what their specific need is. 

Applicant is Approved

The approved applicant is informed. We discuss with the applicant the best way to support them. Sometimes this might include purchasing items directly or providing financial assistance. 

Funds are Distributed to Approved Applicants 

The Finding Refuge staff distributes funds to approved applicants. This is one-time assistance. If the applicant needs additional support, they can apply for a renewal.





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Finding Refuge is a registered 501 (c) (3) organization in the United States our EIN number is 84-2009994